Green Lane Park and Unami Hills

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Meet at the Morrow Pavillion parking lot on Green Lane Road, adjacent to Knight Lake in Green Lane, PA 18054.  Bring lunch.  Rain Cancels.  We will caravan ride to a number of easy access trailheads, parking areas and footpaths in the day’s treks.   Leaders Dennis and Pedro Miranda.

Green Lane Park possesses more Hotspots on E-Bird than any other region of Montgomery County.  While the extensive reservoir attracts birders in search of waders, waterfowls, peeps and raptors, the parks fields, forests and edge habitat to provide a rich diversity of birds too.

Dress in layers, wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots, bring a water bottle, binoculars and a scope is optional. Gloves and a hat may be necessary too.  Rate of difficulty: Easy.  Neighboring Sites: Varied stops in the Unami Hills area.

We encourage participants to regularly check both the Wyncote Audubon Society website and Wyncote Facebook Page in advance of a field trip as the meeting location can change due to road construction, a park closure, weather conditions, or other last-minute circumstances. If you have any questions about a field trip, please use the contact form below.

Plan on arriving a few minutes before the scheduled time of the field trip. The time stated is the STARTING time, not the arrival time. This will give you time to get yourself ready, say hello, visit a restroom and be ready to go. For all day trips, please come prepared with lunch and have a full tank of gas.

PARTICIPANT RELEASE: My participation in a Wyncote Audubon field trip or event signifies that I agree not hold the Wyncote Audubon Society or any of its agents responsible for any accidents, losses, damages or injuries resulting from my participation in the field trip or event.

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